Soluciones Financieras para la Comunidad Hispana | JF Carpio

The Lead Generation Company

Attract a growing tribe of customers to your brand

Instead of engaging a 100% of people with mindless advertising spending, you focus on your 5-20% of people (your niche) and guide them through a “value funnel” of progressively more engagement and premium purchases and events.

It’s time to leave behind the lack of dollar-for-dollar control of your promotional efforts. Calculate your Customer Adquisition Cost (CAC) and thus maximize their Long Term Value (LTV).

Build a “tribe” of fans ready to purchase from you, using direct marketing 2.0 and email tools.

There is a lot of blind spending going on today, both online and offline

Which amounts to nothing but very expensive branding done because “others do it too” or “it has to be done”.

It gets lost among so much saturation and even adds to people’s boredom towards advertising, social media and sales.

It doesn’t capture people’s contact info through permission-based marketing strategies.

It doesn’t attract sales leads consistently, through a funnel of bigger/larger purchases through upselling and cross-selling.

Wasting no more time and attracting pre-qualified clients?

It has been calculated that 20% of clients bring your business 80% of its client-related problems.

Why not pre-filter them from the get-go and attract better ones consistenly?

It’s better to attract people who will be truly interested. We know retaining a client is up to 7 times cheaper than acquiring new clientes.

A value funnel keeps a live community interested in your brand/solution, grateful for all the value you create for it and maximizes its long term value (LTV) by your side.

Two success stories among many:


This litigating-lawyer training company had given workshops under the sponsorship of the U.S. government for a new Ecuadorian court system.

We designed a value funnel that has attracted more than 700 subscribers to their email list and has spurred constant sales of their workshop now turned into a digital course under our direction.

Almanaque Agrícola del Ecuador

We developed a Facebook Page as a free agricultural information “almanac” with calendars, sowing and reaping information, etc. Using less than $200 of Facebook Ads, we gathered 803 Likes the first month and 305 email list subscribers in exchange for a free report on agronutrients for Ecuadorian soil.

Download the core of our know-how for free: (what is a value funnel, how to create one)

Learn about our phone consulting here:

You can build your own value funnel today!